Mile 1420. Welcome to hell.
“Nyeeeee!!! Nyeeeee!!! Nyeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!”
“Aughhhhhh!!!! Leave me alone!!!!” I desperately scream at the top of my voice. The startled birds stop chirping.
The mosquitoes ignore my plea. I am lunch. Their lunch. And they are hungry.
As if the mosquitoes aren’t enough, I also have to have to contend with every other stinging, biting, irritating flying creature who thrives on hot, humid summer days.
A swarm of gnats play kamikaze at my eyes. Little black flies go after the sweat dripping from my arms. A honey bee gets caught in my shirt sleeve. Paper wasps dart out from the bushes from both sides. And a team of ground hornets fly at my feet protecting their nests strategically placed smack dab in the middle of the Trail!
I have a Pig-Pen cloud of swarming insects at my head, my arms, my feet, my entire body.
Welcome to hell.
I was strong in the freezing Smokies. I was strong during the climbs in North Carolina. I was strong on the ankle-twisting rocks in Pennsylvania.
But here? The teenie tiny New York insects have brought me to my knees.
I look at my calendar. It’s only mid July. How long is this going to last??!