Go Boldly!

Welcome to my blog where I chronicle my adventures on the Appalachian Trail.

Mile 275.  (Zero day.)  Maintenance.

Mile 275. (Zero day.) Maintenance.

It blows my mind that I have trekked 275 miles. TWO HUNDRED and SEVENTY FIVE!! Phewww.

Subconsciously, I keep writing 175 instead. And then I have to check and recheck again. Am I over-stating? Do I really have that right?

I have a healthy respect that - while I pretend to be a super human impervious to all danger - alas, I am merely a normal.

At almost 53 years - my body is not quite as nimble and adaptable and tough as it once was.

Just 5 years ago, I grappled with a torn multifidus and torn Achilles tendon that pulled me out of IRONMAN. My biggest fear is that these old injuries could raise their ugly head once more.

I pulled out all the tricks to get my body as healthy as I could at mile one. Western or eastern medicine - bring it on! Functional weight training, stairs with a weighted vest, targeted personal training, chiropractic adjustments, graston technique, dry needling, acupuncture ... I did it all!

On the trail, I’m super careful to factor in rest days (aka, “zero days") at the very least once a week. I’m also diligent with rolling out my muscles, strengthening my traditionally weak areas, and soaking my feet in epsom salts whenever I get a chance.

Even with all that, I have quite a few niggles that are starting to whisper, “Payyyyy attention. Payyyy attention.”

Today, my dear friends Nicolas & Mariam Nouvel fixed me up with their chiropractor in Asheville, Dr. Anya Harris. After just a quick 5 minute conversation, she put me on her table and pressed EXACTLY at the epicenter of my IRONMAN injury. How did she do that?!?? Amazing.

I'm back to work tomorrow. Bring on the 5400 feet of climbing - I'm ready!!

Mile 290.  Kambucha.

Mile 290. Kambucha.

Mile 275.  Return to innocence.

Mile 275. Return to innocence.