Go Boldly!

Welcome to my blog where I chronicle my adventures on the Appalachian Trail.

Mile 311.  (Zero day.)   VomitFest.

Mile 311. (Zero day.) VomitFest.

Man down! Man down!

I am sick as a dog. I haven’t been this sick in at least 20 years.

Just an hour after eating my dehydrated dinner: Violent, dramatic vomiting that lasted the entire night.

Food poisoning? Norovirus? Whatever it is, I’ve been flat on my back unable to move the entire day.

The worst part - my body is rejecting any attempts to rehydrate. So the nausea on top of yesterday’s long, humid 21 mile day has me a bit concerned.

Luckily, I found a hotel to quarantine and wait this thing through. The sad part - I’ve never felt so lonely. Missing all my TLC comforts of home.

This trail is a long one. It’s inevitable that bumps will occur on this journey. While I want to whimper and cry, my resolve to reach Katahdin remains unwavering.

Mile 318.   Carcass.

Mile 318. Carcass.

Mile 311.  Gentle spring thunderstorm.

Mile 311. Gentle spring thunderstorm.