Go Boldly!

Welcome to my blog where I chronicle my adventures on the Appalachian Trail.

Mile 395.  Roan Highlands.

Mile 395. Roan Highlands.

I close my eyes.   Then open them.   I close my eyes again, rubbing to be sure.   And open them, slower this time.

Yes.  This is heaven.

Every view in the Roan Highlands demands a sense of quiet awe.   A rocky pathway pulls me into a sea of tall green grasses interspersed with glacier-placed white boulders.  Endless layers of soft blue mountains frame every direction - each layer a darker hue than the one before.

Round Bald leads to Jane Bald, which leads to a 0.6 mile side trail to the 6200-foot pinnacle Grassy Ridge Bald.   Bald bliss in triple succession. 

I turn around like Maria on a hills-are-alive-mountainside.   Beauty is everywhere.    I want more.

Jerry greets me as we pass on the narrow trail.   Jerry lives in a small cabin on Roan Mountain; and he walks the highlands for his daily exercise.   “You plan on staying the night?   There are some great stealth sites up there - perfect place to watch the sunset.   And the sunrise is incredible.  360 degree views of both.”

“Oh no,”  I reply.   I need to get in more miles to catch up to my friends after losing hiking days to VomitFest and New York City.   “I don’t have enough water; and it’s best I keep going.”

“You can have my tea,” Jerry offers his unopened bottle of peach tea, my favorite.

“Thank you again for such a kind offer,” I say, as I dutifully head back down to get back to the proper trail route.    It’s starting to getting late.

Half way down, though, a little voice stops me.    “What am I doing?    Did I come out here to savor these moments?   Or did I come out here to be type A achievement girl.”  I take a couple steps.   And I stop again.   The little voices are louder this time.   “Why am I here?”

Convinced, I turn myself around.   And I hike back up to look for Jerry.   “Is your tea offer still good?  I’d like to change my mind.”

Mile 395.  (Zero day.)   Trail days.

Mile 395. (Zero day.) Trail days.

Mile 383.  I am alone.

Mile 383. I am alone.